Category Archives: Kreo of the Day

Kreo of the Day #39 Flowers take care of people

I walked into the yard. Flowers live in the yard, flowers and people; and the flowers take care of people.
The beauty of the flowers awakened my soul to life.
When I left, I made a small garden in my soul.
Since then, when the wind blows me away, when I feel like walking through the mud, I hide in the garden of the soul and the flowers take care of me.

Flowers take care of people
Flowers take care of people
Flowers take care of people
Flowers take care of people

Kreo of the Day #37 Guilt

Guilt is not produced from the mistake. Guilt is produced from MY mistake.
Open the pipeline carrying the guilt, and let it flow. Expose it.
Life is an opportunity to express, not to pile up guilt upon guilt.
Open the guilt pipeline in other people. Maybe open a “Guilt Painting” shop and paint people’s guilt feelings. I would be your first customer.

