Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Cure – Chapter One: Cure – Part One : Sanatorium – Self-diagnosis

Doc, I caught myself on the verge of awakening the beast. It feeds out of any emotional vibration, poisons my empathy reservoir, infests my intellect vessels, and eats my morality cells. The beast is taking over. The humanity is stripped away from myself. I am either a vulnerable dog waiting for the affectional bone, or a cornered cobra ready to strike any shadow of light. I can be a rat in a maze but never in a cage. I need the illusion of choosing my path. I left Julio six months ago because I was afraid, and today I put myself in sanatorium.

She stops, fear takes over her face, while listening with her whole being:
I’m here, I’m here
Hanging in the tree
Waiting for you
To bring my feast.
Do you hear the song doc? The beast is awake. Arianna starts screaming and banging her head against the wall. Out, I want you out of my head.

“Ray, Is the virtual brain ready? Hurry up,” says the doc. ”Please sit down Arianna.”

“Virtual brain successfully downloaded. Initiating the startup scenario,” says Ray.