Monthly Archives: November 2015

Look Into My Eyes – The Poem

Take a minute and look into my eyes,
Get closer and give me a hug,
For a moment in your life
Don’t judge me, don’t pull me apart.

You say you see me now,
You say you got me right,
Down the road of our lives,
A change is coming.

I’m human, with good and bad
And, like you, I am alive.
Mercy on me, mercy on us
Who can say what is right?

I’m not afraid to close my eyes
What the hack is wrong with us?
We quickly judge, and do not trust
No second chance, we decide.

In our minds, we think we’re right,
We think we know, we think we’re saints.
In our minds, we are too fast,
We are to blame.

Look Into My Eyes

Look Into My Eyes