A Beautiful Path

You are on the path of your life. This path has a direction: that is always unfolding, moment by moment. Stop for a bit and grasp with clarity the path that you are actually on and the direction in which you are going on. Believe me, it is a beautiful path and it is going in the right direction.

This moment is not a dream , it is actually happening. Go ahead, pinch yourself. It is actual only for one time and only for one place. This universe is unique. It is yours.
Embrace it with all your heart, your mind and your body. Because soon a memory will take its place.

Today a new book opens for you. It is the book of your new life, it is the story of your marriage. Only you can write in this book. Write well. Take charge of the direction and quality of your relationship. You are the architects of your marriage.

I know we are all busy, or at least we like to think we are. But please don’t let a single day from your life together slip away unnoticed or unappreciated.

Whenever you can, leave the house and all the obligations of the daily life and go out together, even just a night by yourselves, travel somewhere.
There is a simple pleasure of sitting alone with the one you fell in love with.
A small table, a coffee pot, and two people facing each other. And you’ll think: Here I am, and here you are, and here we are. That’s all we need. That’s quality time.
Cultivate gratitude for the fullness of each moment you are together. Don’t just take it for granted.

We are creatures of habit. We have habits of thinking, nothing wrong with that, but overthinking is a different story. The stream of thoughts flowing through our minds leaves us very little time for listening, true listening. I wish to always carry with you the art and passion for listening.

I wish you to look at your marriage with unselfishness, kindness toward each other, and open mind toward future.

Invest time and awareness in your relationship and you will find greater harmony in your lives. It is worth it. This relationship is so special: it is a life commitment. Marriage is a life commitment.

Today, two rivers brought together by destiny flow into the sea, your sea. Two become one. The gift from the sea is oneness and togetherness. This gift is the theme, the backbone of the story of your marriage. It is the link which holds the halves to each other.

I wish you the gift from the sea: oneness and togetherness.

I wish you a quiet and peaceful sailing. But the sea will not always be peaceful.
There will be times with rain, wind, and maybe storm. You can’t control the sea. Life will trigger crisis, unexpected events; but you can learn how to navigate at sea.

Marriage is shaped on shared experiences.
It is a maze of memories of agreements and conflicts; of celebrations and disappointments. It is a fabric of conversation, of dialogue, a common vocabulary; a recognition of likes and dislikes, of routines and reactions, of mind and body, of physical and spiritual.
It is a labyrinth of instincts and intuitions, a transformation of known and unknown.
It is an adjustment of opinions and prejudices; a metamorphosis of projections and expectations.
Marriage is both, love and forgiveness. And sometimes you have to be weak to be strong.
I wish you to find the passion to love and the wisdom to forgive every single day.

Every day you love, and every day you forgive.

Be vitally connected to your marriage. Be ONE.

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