A New Year’s Resolution

I wish you to train your brain to become more positive. I wish you to rewire your brain.
Our brain has the capacity to do it, it’s called brain plasticity and it’s brain’s ability to change at any age – for better or worse. We’re after the positive change, there’s a lot of negativity these days.
You may want to include “I want my brain to become more positive” in your New Year’s resolutions list.

Why? It directly affects your optimism, your social interaction, and your ability to better handle the stress. These are three main factors for your job success.

How? Three steps.
Let’s take a generic three steps plan and apply it to “I want my brain to become more positive”:
1 – cut back on negative stuff
2 – take on more positive stuff
3-  exercise

1 – cut back on negative stuff
We’re surrounded by negative news, stories, TV, etc. It is the norm these days. Good luck with escaping negativity, but at least make an effort to reduce it.
The danger with negative information is that the brain is rewiring, like it or not, to scan for negative first. Do you feel that? Be aware next time when you scan the news feed from Internet or TV.

2 – take on more positive stuff
This is the step when you switch over to the driver’s seat. Each day, take some time to write down one thing you’re grateful for, one good experience, and send one positive message.
These exercises, while only few minutes a day, will help your brain to relive positive experiences and consolidate a pattern to scan for positive first.

You know exercise is good for you: from improving your mood to boosting your energy level, exercise is a great way for your brain to become more positive.

New Year's Resolution

New Year’s Resolution


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