Bottle Of Ignorance – Part 3

Alfonso turned back to Jose and looked into his eyes.
“What’s got into you, man?” Alfonso questioned him. “Judging so easy. You found him guilty and gave his sentence: prison for life, or lock him forever.
You need to put your heart stamp on this. Give a hand to help when needed and, believe me, this man needs a hand.
You talked about your brother, so have some empathy. Think of your brother as the man standing in front of you.
Get a good close-up of his face; it is a human face. Put yourself in his shoes, walk as the other and look though his eyes.
All this bad talking. How many thoughts and words you have in your inner world. You think of them as private, that nobody hears them. This private world of yours makes the man you are. It defines you, so be careful of what inner world you build, the foundation of which the outer one resides on. A hallucination, a hocus-pocus one or a solid foundation.
This drunk guy is not the only intoxicated being on earth. Everything around you is part of you, like a sandwich being swallowed by a hungry mouth and making into your stomach, and you. Be a warm blanket for someone in need. Move a little closer to him, trim the space between you and him, and welcome his presence.
Do you know his name? Did you ask him? You do not care, but I bet he does. Gather in just a bit close, he doesn’t bite.
As far as I remember you, you always wanted to be safe, surrounded by everything proof. You don’t want to injure your self-esteem, to deal a blow, a big blow to your pride. But what about his pride? You insulted his soul, you executed his spirit. You think he will not remember, but he will. That kind of words shot always leaves scars.”
“That’s my way of handling people, “ Jose said. He started breathing heavily, grinding his teeth and clenching the jaw, sign of a rage building in his body.
“Are you angry with me? Shocked by your old friend?” Alfonso asked. “Do you want to spill out your anger? Hold it a bit longer, and do not dare to walk away either. How does it feel? The anger will soon transform in shame. Let yourself go, and your ego be removed from the driver seat.”
“You are a believer in good, and you think I’m on the evil side,” Jose said. ”If you think I’m the bad guy, then make me the bad guy because right this minute Alfonso, I’m close to hate you.”
“I kind of hate myself now because I’m doing the judging. But sometimes it is worth it. Today, you, and not the drunk man, increased my blood pressure. My answer is a little of nothing under the sky of everything.
Some people drink from a bottle of whisky, others from the bottle of ignorance,” Alfonso said.

Bottle Of Ignorance -  Part 3

Bottle Of Ignorance – Part 3

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