How easy it is to make excuses?
You have an idea that makes you rise out of bed feeling bold, that awakens an alien in you.
The mutation streams through your veins and makes you feel unprepared but tempted to, maybe, try to start a different day. But then…
Too unrealistic idea, right? Yeah; too big, impractical, not here, not now.
You grab the “Make a living” moisturizer with a high idea protection factor and quickly apply it on your “real world”.
You don’t want to deal with getting idea burned. You are safe now.
But you ran out of “Make a living” and without it your “real world” would dry out and feel dull, flat and boring. Without it, would you really want to see your “real world”? You jump in the car and drive to the store to purchase more. At store, a big announcement: “Make a living” is SOLD OUT.
Category Archives: Kreo
Thank You Life For Your Lie
Kreo of the Day #29 Conquer the same enemy
A State of Mind
He looks around and the whole process of living goes as planned.
Over agitated heads with to-do lists, goals and deadlines, drinking from a flattened three dimensional bottle of life.
Today something feels off, his inner voice is less talkative; it hardly says a word. Now it stopped.
The emptiness leaves him breathless, somehow suspended in uncertainty.
An abandoned imagination fades away in a field in which the good lifts the weight of the bad and the ugly melts in beautiful. A functional body looks in the mirror and discovers a face.
The revelation occupies his life. But for how long?
On the Road
The road that carries on my steps,
The road that carries on my thoughts,
My struggles, my victories, friends and enemies
The road has got me hypnotized.
Dust covers my sins,
Rain washes the guilt,
Sun warms my flesh,
Wind cools my head.
The hands of hundreds of people,
Every single one of them
Proof of a social existence,
Friends yesterday, enemies today.
Elders and youngsters sitting in front,
Passengers of a tired memory,
Gallant thoughts, a prize of thinking,
Or maybe a brain indigestion.
Wars and fights, wishes of hate,
Wounds still warm,
Pride and praise,
Madness left free on the road.
Teachings who make you feel neglected,
Experiences who make you feel deserted,
On the road, you may find the wisdom
Opposing the daily variation.
Smiles, thousands of them stolen,
Replaced by worries and fears.
On the road, thieves and traitors,
Profiting from anything.
The next time we meet
Come without anger,
Come without fear,
Or don’t come.
Oh, road, you and I made a pact
At the beginning of this quest,
You and I until the end
Through dust, and sun, and rain, and pain.
As I lay my soul to you,
Let me ride until I witness the abyss
With my own eyes,
Let me be the one who stops.
Kreo of the Day #28 Bound to meaning
A New Year’s Resolution
I wish you to train your brain to become more positive. I wish you to rewire your brain.
Our brain has the capacity to do it, it’s called brain plasticity and it’s brain’s ability to change at any age – for better or worse. We’re after the positive change, there’s a lot of negativity these days.
You may want to include “I want my brain to become more positive” in your New Year’s resolutions list.
Why? It directly affects your optimism, your social interaction, and your ability to better handle the stress. These are three main factors for your job success.
How? Three steps.
Let’s take a generic three steps plan and apply it to “I want my brain to become more positive”:
1 – cut back on negative stuff
2 – take on more positive stuff
3- exercise
1 – cut back on negative stuff
We’re surrounded by negative news, stories, TV, etc. It is the norm these days. Good luck with escaping negativity, but at least make an effort to reduce it.
The danger with negative information is that the brain is rewiring, like it or not, to scan for negative first. Do you feel that? Be aware next time when you scan the news feed from Internet or TV.
2 – take on more positive stuff
This is the step when you switch over to the driver’s seat. Each day, take some time to write down one thing you’re grateful for, one good experience, and send one positive message.
These exercises, while only few minutes a day, will help your brain to relive positive experiences and consolidate a pattern to scan for positive first.
You know exercise is good for you: from improving your mood to boosting your energy level, exercise is a great way for your brain to become more positive.