Category Archives: Kreostory

Bottle Of Ignorance – Part 1

Jose saw Alfonso entering the Chicago Art Institute. He didn’t wait for the green light and passed the road slicing between the cars.
He jumped the stairs, quickened his steps, and reached him.
“Alfonso? I can’t believe we meet after all these years,” Jose said.
“Jose, my friend. What are you doing in Chicago? I thought you live in Europe,” Alfonso said.
“I did. I moved back last week. I was planning to send you an email to meet, but destiny is faster than me,” Jose said.
“Walk with me. I have to visit every gallery on the second floor to view each painting. I need to write a summary article on paintings from various periods.”

Alfonso loves art, and he is well educated in culture. He raised his main ideas in life from the land of art. He built his four rooms house in a location close to art. A pink color, to be visible, screaming its owner presence. His way of life was to grab what you want then fight to hold on it. Other than snakes, he was not afraid of anything else.
Jose was his best friend in high school. Yin and yang of the school cultural enlightenment, but they were a team. For Jose, school matter was never his front cover. But turn his book to the back cover, and you will find scars of school of life, love for many women, tips on how to make friends and spot enemies.
He has a body solid of bones, hard of muscles and soft of face. He loves sports.
A married man, marriage was the reason to settle back in Chicago, his natal place.

Jose followed Alfonso to the Art Institute. The smell of art place came out to meet his nostrils and he stopped breathing. His pair of lungs has allergy on this smell.
Phew, stinking hole of time and dead brain cells, Jose thought. I better run a marathon.
“I’m an old art sucker. I married my art. My girlfriend always said – You only lady the art” Alfonso said.
They visited together every gallery on the second floor. They stopped in the last room.
Alfonso bit his upper lip and sobbed at the Rodin sculpture of Balzac in front of him.
“This is a sculpture by Augustine Rodin in memory of French novelist Balzac. La comedie humaine, quel magnifique,” Alfonso said.
“Ohh, Balzac, I know him”, Jose said rolling his eyes. “I think I met him.”
“Rodin spent seven years to finish this work”, Alfonso said.
They walked few more steps to stop behind a well-dressed man contemplating the “Man with the broken nose” sculpture.
“I love this broken nose” the man said pointing to the bust sculpture. Jose immediately took a step back. The smell of beer and whisky brought live memories – memories of a drunk human being so close to him.
“You know, I was a fighter when I was young” the drunk man said. “Look at my nose” he said while putting his face closer to the bust. “Same broken nose.Look at my hands, man. Big hands; I hit hard.” He started throwing punches and moving around the sculpture. “Like this,” he said. Sometimes standing still, sometimes moving in circle, he was targeting the empty space with his light punches. He started aiming at the bust. The circularly movement transformed into laterally movement, left and right facing the bust. Left jab, right jab, then a 1-2. The bust was standing just slightly outside of his range. Next moment he took half a step to get closer. He stopped moving his feet. His eyes didn’t see a bust anymore but an opponent. It was a fight for him.
Then he threw a hard right straight into the bust’s broken nose. Next thing you know he lost his balance and banged his head against the table stand pedestal. The sculpture’s revenge, you may say.
“My head,” he screamed out in pain.
While a crowd gathered, Alfonso ran to the man’s aid. A sizable lump developed on his forehead. Good thing he didn’t lose his consciousness, Alfonso thought.
“How do you feel” Alfonso asked the drunk man.
“Let him rot, Alfonso. You old intoxicated bastard, better break your neck next time. From all places in the world, you found this place. And you found me. I’m cursed.
My father, my mother, and later my brother,” Jose said
“What? Your brother? What are you talking about?” Alfonso said.
“Alfonso, you know my brother. I never asked one thing from him, until he started drinking alcohol like an elephant water. It is his element now.
A place to love, a honest life, he gave it away. For what? To keep his mind occupied and away from worry.
He found a way to cheat his life. When I look at him is like watching a ‘dirt eat human’ episode of life. He can’t put a stop of it, not just by himself.
These drunk people, they are just plain people. Common habit sin in a shell of flesh,” Jose said.
“You are not going to lose your head and start fighting this guy. Too many bad words carried by your thoughts. We all have moments of losing our head: some losing their way and others creating inner worlds in their minds,” Alfonso said.


Bottle Of Ignorance -  Part 1

Bottle Of Ignorance – Part 1

Make a living is SOLD OUT

How easy it is to make excuses?
You have an idea that makes you rise out of bed feeling bold, that awakens an alien in you.
The mutation streams through your veins and makes you feel unprepared but tempted to, maybe, try to start a different day. But then…
Too unrealistic idea, right? Yeah; too big, impractical, not here, not now.
You grab the “Make a living” moisturizer with a high idea protection factor and quickly apply it on your “real world”.
You don’t want to deal with getting idea burned. You are safe now.
But you ran out of “Make a living” and without it your “real world” would dry out and feel dull, flat and boring. Without it, would you really want to see your “real world”? You jump in the car and drive to the store to purchase more. At store, a big announcement: “Make a living” is SOLD OUT.

Make a living is SOLD OUT

Make a living is SOLD OUT

A State of Mind

He looks around and the whole process of living goes as planned.
Over agitated heads with to-do lists, goals and deadlines, drinking from a flattened three dimensional bottle of life.
Today something feels off, his inner voice is less talkative; it hardly says a word. Now it stopped.
The emptiness leaves him breathless, somehow suspended in uncertainty.
An abandoned imagination fades away in a field in which the good lifts the weight of the bad and the ugly melts in beautiful. A functional body looks in the mirror and discovers a face.
The revelation occupies his life. But for how long?

A State of Mind

A State of Mind

A Beautiful Path

You are on the path of your life. This path has a direction: that is always unfolding, moment by moment. Stop for a bit and grasp with clarity the path that you are actually on and the direction in which you are going on. Believe me, it is a beautiful path and it is going in the right direction.

This moment is not a dream , it is actually happening. Go ahead, pinch yourself. It is actual only for one time and only for one place. This universe is unique. It is yours.
Embrace it with all your heart, your mind and your body. Because soon a memory will take its place.

Today a new book opens for you. It is the book of your new life, it is the story of your marriage. Only you can write in this book. Write well. Take charge of the direction and quality of your relationship. You are the architects of your marriage.

I know we are all busy, or at least we like to think we are. But please don’t let a single day from your life together slip away unnoticed or unappreciated.

Whenever you can, leave the house and all the obligations of the daily life and go out together, even just a night by yourselves, travel somewhere.
There is a simple pleasure of sitting alone with the one you fell in love with.
A small table, a coffee pot, and two people facing each other. And you’ll think: Here I am, and here you are, and here we are. That’s all we need. That’s quality time.
Cultivate gratitude for the fullness of each moment you are together. Don’t just take it for granted.

We are creatures of habit. We have habits of thinking, nothing wrong with that, but overthinking is a different story. The stream of thoughts flowing through our minds leaves us very little time for listening, true listening. I wish to always carry with you the art and passion for listening.

I wish you to look at your marriage with unselfishness, kindness toward each other, and open mind toward future.

Invest time and awareness in your relationship and you will find greater harmony in your lives. It is worth it. This relationship is so special: it is a life commitment. Marriage is a life commitment.

Today, two rivers brought together by destiny flow into the sea, your sea. Two become one. The gift from the sea is oneness and togetherness. This gift is the theme, the backbone of the story of your marriage. It is the link which holds the halves to each other.

I wish you the gift from the sea: oneness and togetherness.

I wish you a quiet and peaceful sailing. But the sea will not always be peaceful.
There will be times with rain, wind, and maybe storm. You can’t control the sea. Life will trigger crisis, unexpected events; but you can learn how to navigate at sea.

Marriage is shaped on shared experiences.
It is a maze of memories of agreements and conflicts; of celebrations and disappointments. It is a fabric of conversation, of dialogue, a common vocabulary; a recognition of likes and dislikes, of routines and reactions, of mind and body, of physical and spiritual.
It is a labyrinth of instincts and intuitions, a transformation of known and unknown.
It is an adjustment of opinions and prejudices; a metamorphosis of projections and expectations.
Marriage is both, love and forgiveness. And sometimes you have to be weak to be strong.
I wish you to find the passion to love and the wisdom to forgive every single day.

Every day you love, and every day you forgive.

Be vitally connected to your marriage. Be ONE.

Wounded Furniture

Creative and critical: two sides you always have, opposite views you always carry. The burden of each side shifts in time. Then one day you’ll show up one-sided, you’ll silently turn into a soul you hate.

Creative: The ray of light, too skinny to be grabbed by Earth, is flying through air.
Critical: Sure, blame it on gravity.
Creative: Musty smell of wood furniture, wounded by the corpulent corrosion of the clock’s arrow rotating so smoothly, bleeds in my room.
Critical: You are a wounded furniture too.
Creative: The light bounces back between my face and the mirror, touches my retina, lands on the memory bed and awakes the young woman I once was.
Critical: I suppose the same young woman who bought this furniture many centuries ago.
Creative: Once upon a time, the face was smooth and vibrant. The lips were light and voluptuous taking a bite out of life with every single breath.
Critical: Today they are crispy, and close a mouth too tired to gasp for air.
Creative: Once upon a time, the hair was red and thick.
Critical: Today it is the snow in the winter, too much for a small head.

One day you’ll show up one-sided,  you’ll silently turn into a soul you hate.

One day you’ll show up one-sided, you’ll silently turn into a soul you hate.

A word’s prayer to the divine source

“By the power vested in me by the state of The Main Plot I now pronounce you Subject and Predicate. The journey starts now, at the moment of your engagement, when a new sentence is formed.”, the Plot says.
I am a word who just got married, and I know our sentence is a lot more fragile than it appears to us in the moment. Today it is live and powerful, tomorrow is a mirage. Don’t feel sorry for me, it is our way.
Polygamy is encouraged by the main law of the land, the Grammar, and the marriage may include multiple subjects and predicates.
The sentence is the core of our society. Without it, the meaning is lost. Our neighborhood sentences stick together in a paragraph with a greater impact.

There are many states, and each state is governed by a Plot. The federal chief, the president, is the Story. Our political system has two parties: the Critical Thinking party and the Creativity party.
The Critical Thinking party monitors us, and periodically sends us an investigator, a special sentence from the Critical Thinking Bureau of Investigation, to test our love for meaning, our emotional attachment to the Story.
The Creativity party opens our borders and welcomes new words in our sentence, and new sentences in our paragraph. The Plot gets bigger.

Our president, the Story, is elected by the Divine Source. Every morning I say a prayer. I pray to you Divine Source to protect my sentence, my paragraph, and my plot. Please focus on us, spend time with us, let us grow and flourish.

In a higher dimension, the Divine Source watches TV and drinks beer.

The Cure – Chapter One: Cure – Part One : Sanatorium – Self-diagnosis

Doc, I caught myself on the verge of awakening the beast. It feeds out of any emotional vibration, poisons my empathy reservoir, infests my intellect vessels, and eats my morality cells. The beast is taking over. The humanity is stripped away from myself. I am either a vulnerable dog waiting for the affectional bone, or a cornered cobra ready to strike any shadow of light. I can be a rat in a maze but never in a cage. I need the illusion of choosing my path. I left Julio six months ago because I was afraid, and today I put myself in sanatorium.

She stops, fear takes over her face, while listening with her whole being:
I’m here, I’m here
Hanging in the tree
Waiting for you
To bring my feast.
Do you hear the song doc? The beast is awake. Arianna starts screaming and banging her head against the wall. Out, I want you out of my head.

“Ray, Is the virtual brain ready? Hurry up,” says the doc. ”Please sit down Arianna.”

“Virtual brain successfully downloaded. Initiating the startup scenario,” says Ray.