Tag Archives: flowers


I wait to be given to me on a plate and I wait for nothing. Tactical change; I prepare the bait.
I take the tea kettle from the stove, put the flowers in the kettle and place it on the coffee table. I push the table into the belly of the room. It is my special place and I regularly feed it with flowers, today in the kettle.
I’m baiting and waiting. Today might be a good day.

In the depths, in the sea of subconsciousness, ideas begin to appear. A wave of ideas, states, creatures of darkness, smaller and bigger. Bubbles of thought that come to the surface and break into consciousness. And I feel them. They’re mine.
That pleases me. They float around, and maybe close to me there will be a bigger bubble of the unknown.
Maybe I’m lucky today. I feel lucky. Come on, now.

It appears on the surface. I feel it. This bubble of thought is different, it’s a state of mind. I see it; it is in consciousness.
No, don’t go! Don’t push yourself back into the depths of the unknown. Come back to me, back to the bait.
Yes! Eat, swallow, grow a bigger bubble and come to the surface. Come and hang yourself in the hook of the consciousness.
I got you, inspiration.


Kreo of the Day #39 Flowers take care of people

I walked into the yard. Flowers live in the yard, flowers and people; and the flowers take care of people.
The beauty of the flowers awakened my soul to life.
When I left, I made a small garden in my soul.
Since then, when the wind blows me away, when I feel like walking through the mud, I hide in the garden of the soul and the flowers take care of me.

Flowers take care of people
Flowers take care of people
Flowers take care of people
Flowers take care of people