Tag Archives: sorrow

Bottle Of Ignorance – Part 2

Alfonso helped the drunk man stand up and looked into his eyes.
“I see a sad spirit. A bittersweet look, a wave of old memories, wave vibrating into your mind and resonating into madness.
A warm skin still you have, so you have a chance to save your soul. Save it.”
“Heaviness of my thoughts pulls me out of my mind,” the drunk man said. “Nails, hair, every day still growing inch by inch, but why?”
“To remind you of your aliveness. Your lips are still red, your mouth still let the breath move in and out,” Alfonso said
“Maybe I’m a fine man outside, lightweight cotton clothes, a businessman, but inside I am empty. I’m a layer of skin on top of a mountain of pain,” the drunk man replied. “Sweet dreams have left my nights long time ago, nightmares keeping my nights and days. From time to time I wet myself at night, like a child in fear.
The day I was born was a normal day, not a day of Buddha, or a Saint. A day when a humble human being started crawling to make it. Make it where? Nowhere. Ha, what a big ending is waiting for me and I have nowhere to hide form it.”
“You are an everyday formula of living, a complex or simple equation is up to you,” Alfonso said. “You’ve become a placeholder for a future that may never be, a slip of the present in the past or the future, one is called memory, the other imagination. Have the wisdom to know the difference.
Don’t laugh too much, don’t cry too much. Laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you feel to cry, then stop.
Find a bigger answer to your problem, what you feel now. Find a bigger purpose, and path to it. The big is in you, you just see it as a small insignificant answer.
Why do you want to keep the rain from washing away your sorrow?”

Bottle Of Ignorance - Part 2

Bottle Of Ignorance – Part 2