Tag Archives: spirit

I’m only human

I am legs
I am torso
I am arms
I am neck
I am head
I am eyes
I am tracheae, and bronchi
I am lungs, and heart
I am red blood cell count
I am higher or lower hemoglobin
I am oxygen
I am white blood cells
I am antibodies
I am trillions of cells
I am body.

I am thumbs
I am not tails
I am runner
I am sweat glands, and heat exhaustion.

I am mass
I am weight and body type
I am hair, shorter, finer, and less heavily pigmented
I am follicles on top, underarms and some other area.

I am teeth
I am dental formula
I am 2,1,2,3 over 2,1,2,3
I am crowded with some wisdom at the ends
I am crowns
I am implants over the missing ones.

I am chromosomes
I am two sets
I am 23 each
I am XX
I am XY
I am thousands of genes
I am DNA.

I am zygote
I am embryo
I am fetus
I am birthed from the woman’s body
I am newborn
I am infant
I am child
I am teenager
I am young, and mature adult
I am old.

I am vegetarian
I am carnivore
I am vegan
I am dietary patterns
I am GMO, and food science.

I am genetic similar but unique
I am adapting to a variety of temperatures, humidity, and altitudes
I am surviving, weeks without food, days without water
I am blood type
I am cranial features
I am eye color
I am hair color and type
I am height and build
I am different diet
I am exercise, and sleep pattern.

I am nervous system, central and peripheral
I am self-aware in the mirror
I am senses
I am subjective views of existence
I am time
I am mental
I am cerebral cortex
I am thought, and reasoning
I am abstraction
I am perception
I am learning, and problem solving
I am attention.

I am emotion
I am cognitive
I am behavior
I am model
I am social
I am moral, or not.

I am motivation
I am driving force
I am action
I am positive, and negative
I am language
I am speech
I am new and complex ideas
I am conflict.

I am structures
I am tools
I am technology
I am intelligent
I am productivity
I am increased population
I am in tropical rainforests, arid deserts, cold arctic regions and polluted cities
I am ignorant.

I am intimacy
I am bond
I am hierarchies
I am love, ecstasy, jealousy
I am strong emotions
I am admiration
I am joy, hate, envy
I am sorrow
I am neural function and dysfunction
I am social order and disorder.

I am restrictions
I am religious beliefs
I am social customs
I am cultural norms
I am war and peace.

I’m only human.