Wedding Congratulations Letter

Sincere congratulations on your marriage! I wish you a conscious marriage; a marriage designed and lived in awareness.

Ask each other as often as possible what your passion is and share your inspiring dream. Build a space where both of you are open and transparent.

Please avoid living in defaults; a marriage consumed in default settings. While easy to do it, it will leave too much room for loneliness and boredom.

When you eat together, appreciate every bite. When you listen to each other, appreciate every word. When you look at each other, appreciate every sight. Life is too short to live it otherwise.

Travel together often. It is a good way to spice up your marriage.

Wedding is a time of strong emotions. The planning, the wedding and the after moments, all of them experienced in a high emotional state. If this state isn’t beautiful, what is? We tend to classify emotions as good or bad, but they are all beautiful because they make us human. Remember this next time when you feel down.

Did you ever ask yourself about the chances of you two meeting in some point of your lives? More than 7 billion people on the planet, I’ll say the chances were pretty slim. But it happened. Call it destiny, faith, or miracle; it is reality.

Life is about people we meet. Because the people we meet and live with are the people we create with and create for. So please go and create together. This is your time.

Life is simple. Please spend less time overanalyze it, and more time living it.

And when you feel like you’re overthinking it, just look into your other half’s eyes and you will know.

What better subject to close this letter than love? I wish you one thing on love: Don’t worry about losing it. Make the other more excited to be alive, prouder to be alive, and the flame of love will always warm up your marriage.

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